Genesis 3 – Hiding From God
December 3, 2023
Immanuel – God With Us
Week 1 – Genesis 3: Hiding from God
What are we celebrating this Christmas?
All around us are sights and sounds, and scents that make this a unique time of year, but….
What is the reason for the celebration?
Answer: Immanuel – God with us
Main Idea:
The rebellion of man in the garden broke the relationship man had shared with God.
Why? (the transformational intent of the passage)
To trust in the one who reconciles us with God, through the fulfilment of his promise in Genesis 3…. His son Jesus
God’s presence with man in the garden
In Genesis 2…..
- God creates man with his very breath
- God speaks directly to Adam
- God is with Adam when he makes Eve
In Genesis 2 we see the nearness of God and His presence being nothing but joy…
But things change quickly
The Fall of Man
- Man rebels against God’s command
- God comes walking in the garden in the cool of the day
The presence of God now strikes fear into the heart of the man and the woman
And they try to hide from His presence
- The curse of sin is pronounced
- Man is removed from the Garden
- But, God promises to bring redemption in v15
So, what are we celebrating this Christmas?
Answer: Jesus, who is Immanuel – God with us
How to respond today:
- Turn to Christ, don’t try to hide from him
- Make our celebrations about Him!
- Pursue God’s presence
- Do this through the normal, everyday means of grace he gives us
Jesus came into this world to restore that which is broken…..
This is why we celebrate, because has God has not abandoned us
But he has come to be with us.
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