Good evening church,
At the business meeting on July 31st the Elders presented to the church a request to pursue bringing on a paid Ministry Intern for the Fall of 2022. Our goal would be to find a young man who is enrolled at a local seminary and task them to use their gifts in the church by helping to teach the children at Faith, facilitate small groups, lead prayer meetings, and have an opportunity to preach at least once. This position would be overseen by the Elders.
This plan gives us a great opportunity to be a part of seeing a man who is called to ministry raised up to serve the Kingdom of God. We want to become a church that is committed to raising up heralds of the Gospel and this would be great way to take the first step at becoming that kind of church. It would also be a mutual blessing to the church as we continue to pray for the Lord to provide laborers for the work of the Kingdom Faith Baptist Church has been given by the Lord.
Pastor Brian and I are asking you to take time to pray about the the following two proposals of the Elders listed below. If we move forward, the Elders will begin the process of interviewing candidates to ensure they are in agreement with our statement of faith and that we see evidence of a true calling to ministry. Once an official choice of a candidate has been made, we will present this intern candidate to the church. This position is an internship strictly for the Fall of 2022. If there is a mutual benefit and a desire to continue past December 31 2022, we will reconsider the internship then. This intern will be overseen by the Elders and meeting with us regularly but will not be involved in decision making processes. This is an intern for the Fall of 2022 and not a new Elder candidate.
After taking some time to consider this motion, we will make an announcement for the church to vote to move forward. This notice will come at least two weeks prior to the scheduled vote. Thank you for taking the time to seek the Lord on this matter.
Pastor Matt
Vote on creating paid Ministry Intern Position
- The elders are affirmed to pursue creating and filling a paid Ministry Intern position for fall 2022
- Create a line in the budget to fund a Ministry Intern for the fall of 2022. – $700 per month
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